< Projects

Helios™; Fluorescence Image-Guided Vascular Access

Helios™; Fluorescence Image-Guided Vascular Access

Coming soon!

J58 Aurora™; an Advanced Energy Electrosurgical Pencil

J58 Aurora™; an Advanced Energy Electrosurgical Pencil

We developed a 5th-generation electrosurgical dissection system for a client (which unfortunately did not progress beyond an advanced concept stage).

Characteristics of the device included:

  • Compatibility with the installed base of standard monopolar RF generators.
  • Integral, large-bore, no-clog, spot and task smoke-evacuation system.
  • Integral spot and task illumination system with:
    • Tunable color palettes:
      • High-CRI white light for standard surgical work.
      • Blue-green-enhanced spectrum for greater contrast in deep surgical pocket situations and detection of extravasation.
      • Near-IR wavelength illumination options for local excitation of fluorophore-enabled cancer/disease-tagging contrast agents.
    • Unlimited illumination time with constant light output (intensity and spectrum).
  • Advanced 5th-generation composite blade:
    • Smallest corona area for optimal cutting with minimal HAZ and applied power.
    • High-thermal-conductivity blade body for minimal residual heat build-up and thermal collateral damage.
    • Scalable construction technique.
  • Telescoping blade with integral tip illumination and smoke evacuation
  • Environmentally and ecologically responsible design:
    • Minimal extraneous component count.
    • Minimized RoHS, WEEE. No LED, battery or flex circuit to be disposed of.

(This product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not commercially available for sale).